Author: pal.sch

  • OpenVPN on Debian over UFW

    Complete OpenVPN How-To here: Click here for a very nice tutorial about OpenVPN on Debian UFW open ports Get running applications with their used ports netstat -tulpen UFW command to open ports ufw allow 22/tcp SSH Server !!! SSH port HAS TO be opened befor you activate UFW, in other case you will block yourself…

  • Custom Icon font in Ionic 2

    Create/Get icons in SVG format (e.g. FlatIcon) Create and download icons-font using IcoMoon App Extract only the font folder from the downloaded  archive to assets  folder. Create a new file in theme  folder called _icomoon.scss  with following content (thanks to Stackoverflow user): // icomoon @font-face { font-family: ‘icomoon’; src: url(‘../assets/fonts/icomoon.eot?ls340j’); src: url(‘../assets/fonts/icomoon.eot?ls340j#iefix’) format(’embedded-opentype’), url(‘../assets/fonts/icomoon.ttf?ls340j’) format(‘truetype’),…

  • GitBucket as a service on Debian

    If you want to host your own Git Server you have multiple possibilities. Here I want to describe how to run GitBucket, an Open Source GitHub like platform. The focus of this article is to show you how to setup GitBucket as a service (incl. autostart) on a Debian OS. Installation in short Java 8…

  • Cordova and Ionic 2 Development

    Debug Ionic Android Application on Mobile Devices Run Ionic 2 on the Android device including LiveReload and Console output: ionic run android -c -l # -l: LiveReload # -c: Console output Inspect elements and network monitoring: # Open in Chrome and select the Android device chrome://inspect/#devices source: Codeproject – Debug-Ionic-Android-Application-On-Mobile-Devices   Debug Ionic iOS Application…

  • netcup + froxlor

    Froxlor Trigger cronjob /usr/bin/php /var/www/froxlor/scripts/froxlor_master_cronjob.php –force –debug # Possible jobs: # “–backup” for start backup job # “–letsencrypt” FTP user Is created automatically with the Froxlor user (same password). WordPress update: check for correct ownership of the files copied to the directory. If you used “root”-FTP user to copy the files, you have to change…

  • Digitalize VHS tapes

    Overview Here are some main Steps that has to be done to digitalize VHS tapes Preconditions: VHS player Video grabber (analog TV card or USB video grabber (e.g. Magix Videograbber)) A lot of storage place (4h needs over 100GB) Steps: Capture from VHS player using a video grabber Cut the raw video files (without reencoding) Filter/Cleanup…

  • Antispy in Windows 8/7 Uninstall following updates: kb3022345 kb3068708 kb3075249 kb3080149 kb3035583

  • Fritzbox VPN + IPSec XAuth + Windows + Shrew Soft VPN Client

    Very good how-to can be found here: Windows 7 mittels Shrew Soft VPN Client per VPN mit FRITZ!Box 7390 (FRITZ!OS 6) verbinden  

  • Migrate SQLite database data dump to MySQL

    Grab the (sqlite) sql dump first: sqlite3 db.sqlite .dump .quit > dump.sql Now edit the dump to match the MySQL syntax: replace all double-quotes (“) with grave accents (`) replace “autoincrement” with “auto_increment“ remove “BEGIN TRANSACTION;” from the beginnig of the dump remove “COMMIT;” from the end of the dump remove all lines containing “sqlite_sequence“…

  • WLAN HotSpot Windows

    To create a HotSpot in Windows you can use Windows internal tools. Create: netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=<name> key=<PASSWORT siehe keepass> keyUsage=persistent After creating a hosted network you will get a new network device. Here you have to allow using the network connection for this new network device. To do so go to the properties…