Tag: firewall
Proxy server (squid) on ubuntu
Complete How-To You can find a complete how-to here: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-squid-proxy-server-installation-configuration/ Squid in short Install Configure Add new allow rule to the config right before the first deny rule (http_access deny !Safe_ports ): Force hiding clients real ip: Check configuration: Start/stop/restart Squid Enable on boot time: Start/stop/restart: Reload config: Status/log: Open firewall (ufw) for specific IP…
OpenVPN on Debian over UFW
Complete OpenVPN How-To here: Click here for a very nice tutorial about OpenVPN on Debian UFW open ports Get running applications with their used ports netstat -tulpen UFW command to open ports ufw allow 22/tcp SSH Server !!! SSH port HAS TO be opened befor you activate UFW, in other case you will block yourself…