Tag: ubuntu
Setup Ubuntu
Bash completion (incl. Kubectl) Add to your ~/.bashrc: Java version management Use update-alternativesto switch between different java versions. Add an alias to your ~/.bashrc: Calling this alias java-select you can select one of the installed java versions. Node version management Use nvmto switch between different node versions. Clone nvm repo to your home directory ~/:…
Proxy server (squid) on ubuntu
Complete How-To You can find a complete how-to here: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-squid-proxy-server-installation-configuration/ Squid in short Install Configure Add new allow rule to the config right before the first deny rule (http_access deny !Safe_ports ): Force hiding clients real ip: Check configuration: Start/stop/restart Squid Enable on boot time: Start/stop/restart: Reload config: Status/log: Open firewall (ufw) for specific IP…
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – Hibernate to Swapfile
This is a short summary for the following instruction: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1042946 Swapfile activation Hibernate activation
Linux tipps
Cron jobs Creating a script file in the daily run folder for Ubuntu. cd /etc/cron.daily sudo touch my-daily-job sudo chmod 755 my-daily-job Now add commands to the created script file and you’re done. #!/bin/sh do some job here You can verify that the script will run using this command. sudo run-parts –report –test /etc/cron.daily Firewall…
VPN – OpenVPN – Ubuntu (Server) – Windows (Client) – Android (Client)
Ubuntu Install sudo apt-get install openvpn sudo apt-get install easy-rsa
VirtualBox + Linux + SharedFolder
SharedFolder Install VB utils (Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils Manually mount shared folder: mount.vboxsf -w -o umask=0007,uid=1000,gid=1000 shared_name /<target> umask: set persmissions (0007 -> full perm to owner and group, no perm to other) uid/gid: user and group id shared_name: the name given in VB dialog for the shared folder /<target>: the folder inside Linux…