Author: pal.sch
MacOS useful tools
Brew MacOS Paketmanager # install brew /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL” Rectangle brew install –cask rectangle iTerm Oh My Zsh JAVA Versionsmanagement brew install jenv # ensure that JAVA_HOME is set jenv enable-plugin export # make Maven/Gradle aware of the Java version in use (and switch when your project does)…
How to add ephemeral usb devices to the docker container
Usually you can mount the device by defining that in your docker-compose file or by command line. But docker container won’t start if the device doesn’t exists at this moment. For this you can use the follwing workaround. Connect your device to the host system to get the required information for further processing. Get the…
Tasmota + Magic Home LED Controller
Performance Tests
Install Apache2 Utils (more infos) Run tests using apache benchmark tool ab
ioBroker + HABPanel
Roborock Valetudo Map Image Use the “template”-widget and add following code to that:
ioBroker + MotionEye
Ref.: Preconditions MotionEye uses port 8081. It is the same port that is used by ioBroker. So before installing MotionEye, change the ioBroker port to e.g. 7777.Use admin-Adapter to change the port for ioBroker. Install Open MotionEye Use your host-ip and port 8765 e.g. to open MotionEye in browser. To login use adminas…
Setup Ubuntu
Bash completion (incl. Kubectl) Add to your ~/.bashrc: Java version management Use update-alternativesto switch between different java versions. Add an alias to your ~/.bashrc: Calling this alias java-select you can select one of the installed java versions. Node version management Use nvmto switch between different node versions. Clone nvm repo to your home directory ~/:…
Tasmota + Tuya convert
Links Tuya Convert GitHub Tasmoa Templates Device Naming <type>-<vendor>-<model>-tasmota-<number> e.g. plug-gosund-sp1-tasmota-01 MQTT Configuration Some interessting settings Plugs Update interval: TelePeriod 300
Proxy server (squid) on ubuntu
Complete How-To You can find a complete how-to here: Squid in short Install Configure Add new allow rule to the config right before the first deny rule (http_access deny !Safe_ports ): Force hiding clients real ip: Check configuration: Start/stop/restart Squid Enable on boot time: Start/stop/restart: Reload config: Status/log: Open firewall (ufw) for specific IP…
Dual boot Windows + Linux
Bluetooth issues: In General: Start Linux and pair your BT device Start Windows and pair your BT device Shutdown windows completely, not hibernate mode Start Linux and get the pairing key from windows Mount windows system patrition writable