Category: Allgemein

  • MacOS useful tools

    Brew MacOS Paketmanager # install brew /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL” Rectangle brew install –cask rectangle iTerm Oh My Zsh JAVA Versionsmanagement brew install jenv # ensure that JAVA_HOME is set jenv enable-plugin export # make Maven/Gradle aware of the Java version in use (and switch when your project does)…

  • ioBroker + MotionEye

    Ref.: Preconditions MotionEye uses port 8081. It is the same port that is used by ioBroker. So before installing MotionEye, change the ioBroker port to e.g. 7777.Use admin-Adapter to change the port for ioBroker. Install Open MotionEye Use your host-ip and port 8765 e.g. to open MotionEye in browser. To login use adminas…

  • Tasmota + Tuya convert

    Links Tuya Convert GitHub Tasmoa Templates Device Naming <type>-<vendor>-<model>-tasmota-<number> e.g. plug-gosund-sp1-tasmota-01 MQTT Configuration Some interessting settings Plugs Update interval: TelePeriod 300

  • Proxy server (squid) on ubuntu

    Complete How-To You can find a complete how-to here: Squid in short Install Configure Add new allow rule to the config right before the first deny rule (http_access deny !Safe_ports ): Force hiding clients real ip: Check configuration: Start/stop/restart Squid Enable on boot time: Start/stop/restart: Reload config: Status/log: Open firewall (ufw) for specific IP…

  • Dual boot Windows + Linux

    Bluetooth issues: In General: Start Linux and pair your BT device Start Windows and pair your BT device Shutdown windows completely, not hibernate mode Start Linux and get the pairing key from windows Mount windows system patrition writable

  • Generate selfsigned certificate and keystore JKS

    Generate SSL keys Execute each command individually: openssl genrsa -out key.pem openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem IMPORTANT: To use that in localhost development you have to set Common Name to localhost: CN=localhost openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out cert.pem rm csr.pem Generate keystore from SSL keys Execute each command…

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – Hibernate to Swapfile

    This is a short summary for the following instruction: Swapfile activation Hibernate activation

  • Windows copy files and exclude folders (node_modules)

    Using Xcopy create an excludes.txt file with following content: Now execute the following Xcopy command:

  • IntelliJ + Cmder

    File | Settings | Tools | External Tools Add new External Tool Name: Cmder Here Program: C:\\Cmder.exe Arguments: /SINGLE $FileDir$ Working dir: C:\ Close Settings and Open again File | Settings | Keymap: External Tools -> External Tools -> Cmder Here Right mouse click -> Add Keyboard Shortcut -> “Alt + D” Now you can…