Category: Allgemein
GitLab CI + CD
Find Docker image for the build Dependencies: node/npm java8 gradle sshpass For build you can use for example the following image: For deployment you need sshpass, so you can take the following image: Runner see GitLab Runner Doc CI script see CI yaml docu Secret variables to use in CI script: GitLab -> Settings -> CI…
Read a template file and replace placeholder script-template.txt #!/bin/bash echo “–TIMESTAMP–” #!/bin/bash # Get variables timestamp=`date` # Replace placeholder content=`cat ./script-template.txt` content=`echo “${content/–TIMESTAMP–/$timestamp}”` # Generate a script echo “$content” > chmod +x
OpenVPN on Debian over UFW
Complete OpenVPN How-To here: Click here for a very nice tutorial about OpenVPN on Debian UFW open ports Get running applications with their used ports netstat -tulpen UFW command to open ports ufw allow 22/tcp SSH Server !!! SSH port HAS TO be opened befor you activate UFW, in other case you will block yourself…
Cordova and Ionic 2 Development
Debug Ionic Android Application on Mobile Devices Run Ionic 2 on the Android device including LiveReload and Console output: ionic run android -c -l # -l: LiveReload # -c: Console output Inspect elements and network monitoring: # Open in Chrome and select the Android device chrome://inspect/#devices source: Codeproject – Debug-Ionic-Android-Application-On-Mobile-Devices Debug Ionic iOS Application…
Antispy in Windows 8/7 Uninstall following updates: kb3022345 kb3068708 kb3075249 kb3080149 kb3035583
Migrate SQLite database data dump to MySQL
Grab the (sqlite) sql dump first: sqlite3 db.sqlite .dump .quit > dump.sql Now edit the dump to match the MySQL syntax: replace all double-quotes (“) with grave accents (`) replace “autoincrement” with “auto_increment“ remove “BEGIN TRANSACTION;” from the beginnig of the dump remove “COMMIT;” from the end of the dump remove all lines containing “sqlite_sequence“…
Android on Windows with VirtualBox
Download Android ISO 4.4 How to install Android 4.4 Genymotion
VPN – Fritz!Box – Ubuntu
Install IPSec Client sudo apt-get install network-manager-vpnc Connection from Ubuntu to VPN on Fritz!Box Autoconnect to VPN Use VPN Autoconnect See askubuntu.
Apache + Linux Mint
Install Ubuntu Apache: sudo apt-get install apache2 Ubuntu PHP: sudo apt-get install php5 Ubuntu phpMyAdmin: sudo apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin php5-gd Change user and group recursive: # Add user to a group usermod -a -G groupName userName # Change owner chown -R www-data:www-data /media/root/ # Change rights chmod 750 /home/paul/oc -R Configuration Web path…