Tag: apache
Apache + Linux Mint
Install Ubuntu Apache: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Apache sudo apt-get install apache2 Ubuntu PHP: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/PHP sudo apt-get install php5 Ubuntu phpMyAdmin: http://www.zentralplan.de/?37 sudo apt-get install mysql-server phpmyadmin php5-gd Change user and group recursive: # Add user to a group usermod -a -G groupName userName # Change owner chown -R www-data:www-data /media/root/ # Change rights chmod 750 /home/paul/oc -R Configuration Web path…
How-to configure Xdebug + XAMPP + Aptana Studio 3 on Windows
This how-to will describe how to configure Aptana Studio 3 on Windows with XAMPP and Xdebug to be able to debug PHP code. Enable Xdebug in apache The first thing, that we should do is to enable Xdebug on XAMPP. For this we must edit the php.ini file that configurates the php module. So…